Riverside Park Ballroom

Riverside Park Ballroom: Approximately 1914, the essential valley Riverside Park Ballroom was established. The ballroom would for a time be The dance spot in Phoenix, and would be essential for touring and local artists (Images Arizona, and Admin.). For a long time it was one of the few Phonix venues considered part of the “Chitlin’ Circuit,” venues where black artists were welcome to play (“Jazz & Blues.”).

Works Cited

Images Arizona, and Admin. “Riverside Park Ballroom - The Honky-Tonk Amusement Park of Historic Arizona " Images Arizona.” Images Arizona, 23 Jan. 2019, imagesarizona.com/riverside-park-ballroom-the-honky-tonk-amusement-park-of-historic-arizona/.

“Jazz & Blues.” PHOENIX Magazine, 19 Mar. 2019, www.phoenixmag.com/2013/09/01/jazz-blues/.